Hi a friend is looking for a great Hull realtor. Any recommendations?
Kathleen S. replied:
Michelle Kundzizc was with Charisma 925-0910
Brian L. replied:
Mark Abatuno of Jack Conway
Deb B. replied:
Check out some of the Realtors current listings online before making your decision. I was just talking about this today on my own FB page due to some horrible photos I viewed on a current listing. Real Estate Agents stand to make good money from the sale of your home, but a lot of listings have multiple typo's in the ad, and horrible blurry photos. Their clients deserve better than that. I wish you the best!
Rachael S. replied:
Mark Abatuno of Jack Conway, very patient, knowledgeable and trustworthy.
Justin A. replied:
Bonnie Smith Handrahan
Susan T. replied:
Dawn Vercollone ...
Annie M. replied:
Mark Abatuno
Stephanie K. replied:
Karen Morley!! She's amazing! Her office is right by Java Jungle- she grew up in Hull, so she knows this town very well!
Blake H. replied:
Marybeth Lidington
Pamela D. replied:
Brian McCarthy, of McCarthy-Gratta Real Estate is who I used. Local + honest.
Does anyone know some good realtors in Boston that could help us find a place around in Jamaica Plain, Brookline or Back Bay? Looking for a one bedroom apartment...
Michèle A. replied:
Jamaica Plain - http://www.sarahcarrollrealestate.com/ Sarah is the Best!
Janet N. replied:
http://joannahochman.myhammondagent.com/ Bruce this is my cousin Joanna She is wonderful