Looking for a great coffee shop and brunch spot in Fort Wayne. Any ideas? cc: @VisitFortWayne
Visit W. replied:
Hi Michelle! What day will you be visiting us? Here's a list of local favorite coffee shops: http://www.visitfortwayne.com/blog/post/2015/16/Favorite-Fort-Wayne-Coffee-Shops/17929/
Visit W. replied:
On March 12, you can find a delicious brunch from https://www.twitter.com/thedashin ! The next day, check out https://www.twitter.com/trubblebrewing or https://www.twitter.com/greenfrognation
Any recommendations on coffee shops? I'm looking for a dark, cozy, coffee shop where I can go and read. Any suggestions?
shockeightyone replied:
[Lazy Daze in Irvington](http://lazydazecoffeehouse.com/)
lpathst replied:
what side of town are you on?
stgnet replied:
Perk up in Broad Ripple (great German pastries) SoHo cafe in Carmel
orangejello1984 replied:
I absolutely freaking love Mojos on Michigan and Senate. It has the best cider, and everyone is super friendly. It's smaller, but comfy. And they have yummy foods.
beelerspace replied:
The easy answer is Calvin Fletcher Coffee Company on Virginia just southwest of downtown. Say your name once and they will remember it and what you drink forever. I'm there now. =)
DuncantheWonderDog replied:
Aw man. I'm only gonna name locals. 1. Monon Coffee Company. There's one in Broad Ripple and near downtown. Usually pretty busy but good coffee and nooks. 2. As mentioned before, Calvin Fletcher Coffee Company. Just went there for the first time today. It was pretty busy and it seemed like there was alot of empty tables taken up by laptops. But it was cozy, alright. 3. Strange Brew in Greenwood. Might be bit too far for you but it's dark and cozy. They black ceiling boards so it's plenty dark and there's couches and over-stuffed chairs everywhere.
dakaroo1127 replied:
Monon coffee company, B ripple
smegmasoup replied:
Not coffee, but if you're into tea occasionally, Tea's Me is a great little cozy spot.
annaswims replied:
[Bjava](http://www.bjavacoffeeandtea.com/) on lafyette near 56 th st. They have great coffee and couches. Friday mornings they have fantastic cinnamon rolls and they have great muffins every day.
corduroyjackson replied:
It hurts my feelings that not a single person mentioned Mojoes Coffee downtown. Its by IUPUI on Michigan and Senate
Coffee shop that is good and not too crowded? Friends, when I'm free, I really like going to a coffee shop for several hours and having some reading/writing done. I know...
ER777 replied:
Calvin Fletchers.
koavf replied:
Rabble on East 10 th.
Robinsondm317 replied:
I think you would really like Mojos coffee house
Realtor_Robb_Indy replied:
Coal Yard Coffee in Irv. Doesnt open until 11 though.
butterfly_890 replied:
Also NOT a fan of Kaffiene. Terrible parking and not much seating, despite having the room for it.
Achiral94 replied:
Bee coffee roasters
MattMakesMusic replied:
Same as you, I love coffee shops. Being a bike commuter downtown is a great way to get to all the coffee spots with no worries about finding parking. My regular coffee spots are Coat Check Coffee, Miles Square in the City Market, Kaffiene Coffee, Quills Coffee, Bee Coffee Downtown, Foundry Provisions, and Calvin Fletcher's. Calvin Fletcher's get's honorbale mention for roasting beans in house, being a non-profit, and having the best/kindest and most neighborly service. Provider in the Tinker House is a new place opening soon that Coat Check is behind, can't wait for that to open.
FCP_ replied:
I enjoy Hubbard’s in meridian Kessler. Big shop, quite, decent amount of nooks
DaveyJones317 replied:
I can’t recommend enough Porter Books and Bread! They have amazing coffee and sandwiches and baked goods in a really awesome atmosphere! Plenty of nooks to veg out in and all the while so many used books all for sale. It’s such a great place! Fort Ben!
dijos replied:
10 s Johnson.
docsquidly replied:
[Perk Up](http://www.perkupindy.com/index.html) in Broad Ripple is small and quiet.
bjorkabjork replied:
bee coffee roasters at lafayette/w 56 th street. ~two blocks from the 465 w56 th st exit. Never crowded, though sometimes they run the machinery in the back.
R3AL123 replied:
I like Monon Coffee Company in Broad Ripple. Free parking around back!
FishMel replied:
Looking for a doughnut store that is good and never crowded.....new in town.
butterfly_890 replied:
BIG fan of Pia on east Washington. Good food & coffee, and never seen it crowded. No parking issues, either.
Does anyone know of a coffee shop or something like that, near Greenwood Park Mall, or even nearer to I65, that would have wifi? That would have a little space..........
Ralf E. replied:
Any Mc Donalds or Panera Bread. The mall itself has wifi.
I'm looking for a place to host my monthly minimalist meetup. I'd prefer to support a local business, but i need it to be open until 9 p.m. or so. Preferably with no...
Carolyn S. replied:
Come support The Ribbon Spa for a Cause .We are a non profit,your services will help someone with cancer have their spa services for free