Donations are being accepted at The Bridge, (417) 206-6886, Central Christian Center, (417) 781-5982 and College Heights Christian Church, (417) 624-6915. PLEASE call ahead and confirm if your donations can be accepted and are needed. per the Joplin Chamber of P
Where is the best place to take clothing donations for the victims of the Joplin Tornado?? We have a couple of families who have clothing, shoes, etc. to donate but...
Brent P. replied:
College Height's Church 417-6246915
Steven P. replied:
Per College Heights, Clothing can be taken to the Northpark Mall.
I have clothing, shampo, soap, shoes, etc. to donate. Where is the best place to take these things? I know they only want emergency or medical volunteers to go to...
Erwin H. replied:
Here is the link for a growing Google Docs spreadsheet with Joplin Relief Dropoff locations, allowing people to share different sites and items needed. Please feel free to contribute with any additional information/locations you may have.
I want to help. I am 6'2" male and have TONS of clothes to donate. Size 32x32 pants, size 31,32, and 33 shorts. TONS OF short sleeve shirts, a couple long sleeve, and...
Rhonda M. replied:
my email is and i will try to find the right place. mssu is filled up because of wonderful people like you. thank you.