Does anyone know of any math tutors? I'm taking basic math, math 1111, and I am horrible at math. I looked at the KSU math tutoring and the appointment only last 50...
mrhhug replied:
You can just go into the math lab. Appointments are optional. You will find that 50 minutes, if you are well prepared, is plenty of time. Attempt to do all your work first, then go to the math lab. I can PM you the info of a tutor if you want personal undivided attention.
rlopez8 replied:
Also, check out the Supplemental Instruction program! It's free too and are 1 hour classes led by students who have previously taken YOUR professor for that class and gotten an A. They know the material and the teacher so they can really help you learn what and how to prepare for exams. The link below should take you to the list of SI leaders for Math 1111 this semester. If your professor isn't one with an SI leader you can email the SI leaders to see if you can come to their section anyway; most of the time they will say yes as long as your professor and theirs teach the class in the same order.
HawtSkhot replied:
My roommate is a math tutor, PM me and I'll give you his hours.
kayakerjosh replied:
Adult learning center. You need to make an appointment, but the tutors there are great. Also, free coffee.
rlopez8 replied:
You most definitely need to attempt all assignments before meeting with your tutor or you'll be wasting your time and money. Doing the assignments beforehand (or at least attempting them) prepares you with specific questions you know you want to ask rather than just showing up and saying "I'm confused, please help" Tutors need more to go on than "this doesn't make any sense" The Adult Learning Center on the second floor of the Student Center is a good place to go, as is the Math Lab on the 4th floor of the Library. Both of these places are free, too! If you find that even after preparing beforehand 50 minutes isn't enough time, you can schedule appointments in the Math lab and the ALC and get 100 minutes which should be more than enough time.
We can help you! Use this to save on his first tutoring session. Have a great evening.