Looking for a custom furniture builder I'm looking for someone local who can build a simple design desk, any recommendations?
Edit: clarifying,I am looking for an...
phondamental replied:
[Erick at Plank & Grain](http://www.plankandgrain.com/) in Chinatown or [Thao Tran at Fallen Trees Wood.](https://fallentreeswood.com)
BonePGH replied:
There are a ton of woodworking places in Ballard. Ping one of them: https://www.google.com/search?q=woodworking+ballard+seattle&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS752US752&oq=woodworking+ballard&aqs=chrome.0.0 j69 i57 j0.3810 j0 j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Luke_Attamadik replied:
Try this place on Lake City Way: http://www.donwillisfurniture.com/doc/custom_northwest.html If you're going up there, stop at Growler Guys too!
My husband and I are looking to move up from Kent as soon as he has found a new job. He has been working as a builder and landscaper and has work and references...
Hello Everyone
Ash kindly added me to the group a while ago and I have now only just got around to putting some information about me up. My husband and I have...