Looking for a DJ for my wedding in April, decently priced for 5-6 hrs
Ashley C. replied:
Jerry Kernodle Wayne Gooch
Greg F. replied:
Darian Lee Darian Keith Lee
Brad W. replied:
There's only one way to go. Big Boy Productions. Chubb May is the best.
Heidi E. replied:
Michael Mock
Amy N. replied:
We would be honored to be part of your wedding. We offer custom Wedding candles that no one else offers and our prices stay the same no matter the occasion. Here are some example. We can use any picture. Digital or hard copy. https://www.forevercandlez.com
Wendy C. replied:
Darian Keith Lee one of the best girl!!:)
Heather G. replied:
Jerry Kernodle Wayne Gooch amazinf
Rhiannon B. replied:
Janice M. replied:
DJ Soupafly...Eric De Sousa-Rosa, he's GREAT! https://www.facebook.com/DjSoupafly?fref=nf
Travis B. replied:
Chuck Marsh
Larice L. replied:
Paul Layton, Breakout DJ Service. He's on FB. 3362649830
Ok. I know I was looking for Restaurants before but plans have changed. I am now looking for banquet type locations for our Christmas party. We are wanting to bring...
One more thing- a HUGE shout out to Brian Lewin for throwing the greatest party ever at our wedding last Saturday!! Best DJ EVER! He works for millennium productions and...