Q. "Does anyone know the Ohio Adoption Laws? Searching for my sister who was born in KY but adopted in OH by a private attorney in 1963. Any suggestions where to start?...
Forced A. replied:
http://ohio-adoptions.adoptivefamilies.com/laws/ Ohio Adoption Services: Find Local Adoption Agencies, Attorneys, Doctors, Homestudy Providers |... ohio-adoptions.adoptivefamilies.comAdoption services, resources and state laws in Ohio. Find local adoption agencie...s, attorneys, doctors, homestudy providers, support groups, and events.See More
Forced A. replied:
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3107 Lawriter - ORC codes.ohio.gov (A) "Agency" means any public or private organization certified, licensed, or ot...herwise specially empowered by law or rule to place minors for adoption.See More
Forced A. replied:
https://adoptiondatabase.quickbase.com/db/7 c2 gsmqv... Adoption Database - Ohio Adoption Registry adoptiondatabase.quickbase.com Yes. If the application administrator has specified default calendar and timelin...e settings for an application, you can easily create a calendar or timeline from a table report just by clicking a link. QuickBase uses the default settings as a basis for creating the calendar or timeline.See More
So i have a friend whos in desperate need of a lawyer to help get her daughter back, but most want way too much up front. Does anyone know of any places that would help...