Dog groomer in Ligonier? By Carol and Daves. Are they good, and reasonable. The one I was using is just too far to travel. I have 3 yorkies that need grooming.
Gwenn W. replied:
Thank you , Bridget. Don, please call tomorrow 724-238-9663. Mimi can answer your questions and schedule you , if needed.
ISO a local dog groomer that can be trusted. Reasonably priced with hours available in the evenings and/or weekends. I have been going to a place in Latrobe but would...
Jacqui M. replied:
My Bella Pets in town
Jerri D. replied:
Bella Pets here in town are awesome
Morgan A. replied:
Cozy Inn for sure. Gretchen does an amazing job for both my dogs
Sandy S. replied:
The group Across Westmoreland had a post yesterday about doggie divas and they were not good comments regarding the grooming . Just an fyi.