Looking for multicultural restaurants! My friend and I are interested in trying out food from different cultures! We live in Lincoln but are more than willing to drive...
BadMrFrostySC replied:
THere is an Ethiopian place on Saddle Creek that is pretty good. If its still there.
Gorgoleon replied:
The Caribbean place just north of blondo on 72 nd springs to mind
freia24 replied:
I really enjoyed Gusto Cuban Cafe. The decor is a bit over the top, but the food was good!
creiss74 replied:
Umami sushi in Bellevue just opened by a somewhat famous chef. Salween Thai is a decent Thai place. Locations in mid town and north O. Bangkok Cuisine downtown is also good. Mother India on Leavenworth midtownish is decent Indian. Saigon off West Center Rd for Vietnamese.
Mums meeting some friends in Scunthorpe over xmas, anyone know of any dog friendly pubs near there so I can go too? #dogfriendly
"Baubles" B. replied:
Has mum tried http://doggiepubs.org.uk ?
"Baubles" B. replied:
Hang on - what about this? https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g503982-d2405338-r347094776-The_Jenny_Wren-Scunthorpe_Lincolnshire_England.html
Going to Omaha for a staycation this weekend. Any recommendations for restaurants or things to do?
Lisa S. replied:
Louie M's Burger Lust
Karin W. replied:
Jocelyn Art Museum; its amazing!
Dustin H. replied:
Bohemian Cafe
Rachel K. replied:
Farmers market! The one they have in the Old Market is so much fun, it's bigger than Lincoln's and has a nice mix of vendors amongst the daily shoppes that line the streets. Also, this weekend is the annual Balloon and Wine festival. I've wanted to go but never find the time. You do have to pay, but I think it's less than $15. They have hot air balloons that go up in the evening. Here's a link to some quick info on it if interested: http://www.visitomaha.com/includes/events/8 th-Annual-Nebraska-Balloon-Wine-Festival/19015/#.U-GkJYBdV-g
Travis T. replied:
This is coming from a 'burb dweller. That's a disclaimer. I like Vivace and Roja, and, if you're interested in going to West O, Millard Roadhouse, Pizza West, and Macaroni Grill. Leahy Mall in the old market is an amazing place to walk. The Goodwills in West Omaha and Gretna put all other cities' Goodwills to shame. Fontenelle Forest is worth a trip if you're into nature trails. Zorinsky Lake is a fun place to relax. Film Streams has great indie films in a cute atmosphere. Augh there's so much to sssaaayyyy
Brent W. replied:
New Life Thrift Store is my favorite. Jump over the bridge to Council Bluffs and eat at Dixie Quiks,it's my favorite restaurant. Great breakfast and brunch on weekends.
Violet K. replied:
Lisa: The Gretna Goodwill is AMAZING! (Imagine me singing that last bit.) Every day, they have a color tag that is 99 cents. Every. Day. It's glorious. The one and only time I was there I got a pair of Silver jeans that fit like a glove for less than $1.
who remembers the first Chinese restaurant in Lincoln?
Gregory S. replied:
Pat Slade #1
Farley P. replied:
Very True on that Gregory. It originally was I think Lady said Chinese Laundry on first Floor. I forgot the whole story also used to be a 3 rd floor never was told story on it.
Pam H. replied:
I don't think the restaurant had a separate name, but I did find a link - https://www.google.com/search?q=restaurant+in+the+congress+inn+lincoln+ne&client=firefox-a&hs=wO8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wZrWUqK-L-HmsATUsoKYAg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1200&bih=578#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=p54XDuxqiIfVfM%253A%3BBXeb6 bTEwDXrbM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffarm6.staticflickr.com%252F5163%252F5380866123_0 c9 d1 f94 fb_b.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.com%252Fphotos%252Fedge_and_corner_wear%252F5380866123%252F%3B2474%3B1034
Anyone have a general practitioner they particularly like in Lincoln? I'm really interested in an MD with a bent toward holistic/traditional/alternative medicine. I...
Anne G. replied:
There's one guy who is a TCM doctor and acupuncturist (Troy Heinrichs=awesome) and then there's dr. Coughlin, who is a western MD with some acupuncture training. I've looked in vain for a functional med PCP here, but had no luck. Sometimes I see Dr. Ry...See More
Kami E. replied:
http://www.holisticnebraska.com just found on Google, don't know if this has already been mentioned? Let us know what you find out as I'm interested too!
Elizabeth H. replied:
Ironically there's a guy that I've been going to for a long time at holy family medical – he's Canadian, offers acupuncture and has always been supportive of my weird ideas. He even knows about Kiefer and kombucha! I recommended to them to a few friends they've been really happy with him. Total Silver Fox. Philip McNeely