Looking for local photographers,videographers,florist,caterers,licensed bartenders,furniture rental,local printing company,stationery,specialty bakers,florists etc
D F. replied:
#Business Talk hope 2 cu at my next seminar Secrets to Obtaining CASH-SUCCESS in Business 11.20.17 https://t.co/V9UcRywAgV
Andrea M. replied:
I would be interested in being a vender. I am a therapist for men. I Host Bachelor therapy groups. www.counselor4 men.com
Diamond S. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/110002235700567 Atlanta Realtor Dominique Hicks
Elaya W. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/818925261610054 The Creative Vessel
Deia R. replied:
We have a Mobile Massage Company www.mysticmobilemassage.com and a Moisturizer Company (Body Butters, Scrubs, Bath Salts, etc) www.dmoisture.com