hey Alex, unfortunately, i don't know any patent lawyers personally. Karin Peterka at Dykema Gossett in LA is a patent lawyer who may be able to help. Good luck!
does anyone know an intellectual property lawyer they can recommend?
Adam S. replied:
Sandra Thompson in OC. She's a board member of the College of Science & Math here. http://www.buchalter.com/bt/?action=Show&AttyID=122&option=com_content&task=view&id=152&Itemid=134
kalen replied:
Jon Tandler at Ryley Carlock & Applewhite in Denver.
Does anyone know my lawyers name? No, not my entertainment lawyer... no... not my patent lawyer... just the good ol' fashioned "i made trouble when i was a kid and am...
Ash C. replied:
alex hall is a friend of mine...and a kickass attorney: https://plus.google.com/116552607575559667513/about?gl=us&hl=en
Noah K. replied:
Bob Loblaw?
Kathy S. replied:
Found him! John Collins! and Leo - mama stopped dealing with my legal affairs after my first 'running a stop sign' ticket when i was 16.
Does anyone have any good referrals for a GOOD Patent Attorney? Need someone familiar with retail products and/or women's fashion and accessories. Thanks!
Dana F. replied:
Contact David Schnider on FB
Nicole A. replied:
Contact Patrick Avakian. Beau Nilsson has his number
Looking for a patent attorney... If you know anyone, please send me their information.
Jorge B. replied:
Google "Steve Sessa" -- I've used him before and he represents Muse, the band, and he has access to all Reed Smith LLC attorneys. Amazingly powerful firm altho a little pricey.
Adam C. replied:
My friend Courtney Dunn is a patent attorney...she is out of Florida but she has helped me with some stuff I worked on.
I need a good patent lawyer in LA any suggestions?
Billy B. replied:
Larry Ecoff in Beverly Hills
A.j. A. replied:
Barak Vaughn -- he's my business partner and a fine attorney. If he can't do the patent work, he'll connect you with the absolute right person. Plus, Dante, let's pick up where we left off about doing something to use comedy to fight cancer.