I'll also include your suggestions in the Mac Kid Biz Directory so parents will have options for next year. Thanks for your suggestions! http://peachtreecity.macaronikid.com/businesses/ Biz Directory : Macaroni Kid peachtreecity.macaronikid.com Weekly local newsletter of kid-friendly events and activities.
Kristy J. replied:
http://www.infantswim.com/ Infant Swim Self Rescue™ Survival Swimming Lessons www.infantswim.com Give your child the competence, confidence and skills of aquatic safety with Inf...ant Swimming Resource's Self-Rescue™ program. The safest provider of survival swimming lessons for children 6 months to 6 years of age.See more
Angela R. replied:
Pam Greenoe in Fayetteville. I think she teaches along with a few other instructors including her daughters. She co-ordinates the scheduling of the classes. Heard the PTC Dive Shop is good too.
We're overdue for a Vacation! Since I've never been to #NewYork, I've been wanting to go! Any suggestions in Manhattan on where to stay?
Diego P. replied:
Been to Hotel Penn? It's right by Madison Square Garden & they gave me several shopping coupons :) http://www.hotelpenn.com/special-offers/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=kaptivating&utm_campaign=MaySpecialOffers&_kat=91701
Need advice on swim classes for a 9-month-old. This is my first post to Reddit. I have a 9-month-old daughter and my husband and I have been looking into different swim...
kaiserverbalbyrnes replied:
We just started my 6 month old in a Parent/Child class. Basically it is getting him used to being in the water. We will take this same course until he's ready for real swimming lessons. When he's a bit older it will be more about how to listen and not go in the water unless an adult is with you. I don't think it really matters which class you do...just go with the cheapest. (I assume you will be in the water with her) If you don't like it next time go with the other one.
Lelide replied:
What is your expectation? That will determine what program is right for you.
500Hats replied:
I'd look into "drown-proof" classes for an infant - maybe they're included in regular infant swim classes. Essentially, they teach your kid to turn over (face up) and float on their back should they ever fall into a pool. I'm sure they do fun stuff too, but to me this is the most important part of infant classes. After seeing a couple YouTube videos, I'm a believer. Obligatory disclaimer: No child is ever "drown proof", but you can stack the odds in your favor.
2ndstartotheright replied:
I don't know where you're located, but in Texas we have a group of swim schools called "Emler" that have AMAZING classes for babies as young as 2 months focused on water safety & enjoying their time in the water so they can focus on learning. They play games aimed at teaching them to float, find the wall and eventually control their breath and swim underwater a bit on their own. My boy's only 6 months, so I'm not sure how they progress after that.
aguminie replied:
10 year swim insrtuctor here! Those classes are mostly for you to learn how to hold and teach your child how to be comfortable in the water. The kids aren't going to learn how to swim per say but they will learn that the water is fun (hopefully lol). I love teaching the baby classes! They are the most fun. usually we sing songs and work getting used to laying on our tummies and backs in the water, assisted of course!
luv4bunnies79 replied:
We used and are continuing refreshers with an infant swimming resource person, and we love it. He is in his 3 rd summer and really loving swimming. It was amazing to watch him floating when he was only 10 months old. I highly recommend it. They will need refreshers regardless of what you do, so keep that in mind for the summer budget. Here is the national [linky] (http://www.infantswim.com/)