I’m getting rid of a bunch of my stuff, where do you all recommend I donate it? I feel bad giving it all to goodwill or something when it could be going to help people...
Oooh one more... recent news article says thrift stores may feel a bump in donations, but nothing way outside the ordinary in the usual January clean out: https://madison.com/.../article_908 befe9-7 f46-56 b6-b2 e5...
Hey Guys,
I'm starting up a online clothing business with a relatively small budget and am interested in product photography. Any suggestions, personal experiences...
Oliver K. replied:
Karmen Chandontrikij Threadless uses a few main mocks, designers place the design in a layer below the shadows/highlights of the shirt. That way they can do the same model 1000 times.
Oliver K. replied:
Francois Spinelli Nah, as a designer, not an agent or goods reseller - I don't need pictures ... I can use mocks to sell my designs. See my design facebook [while my website is down] for ref ... Structure of Zerø Design . However, as I know the owner of Threadless I can speak for them using the same methods.
Sharon B. replied:
ShaanFilms Thanadol
Delphine S. replied:
Francois Spinelli may be able to give you some advice
Karmen C. replied:
I agree with all of the above. Also, try shooting insitu (someone actually wearing the shirt). Look at threadless.com for some inspiration.
we have a number of gently used men's and women's coats that we would like to donate. Can anyone suggest a place to donate these items. We would prefer to donate to a...
Stephanie S. replied:
The Beacon Homeless Day Resource Center on East Washington. They are being swamped by people in need, including women with babies! You can take them directly there.
Norman S. replied:
Dane County Clothing Center. they are closed until after the New Year. they do not charge for anything. http://www.cacscw.org/clothing-center.php
Hi, neighbors. Any recommendations for a local organization that distributes warm clothing to the homeless? I have donated to various places in the past but am currently...
Nicole B. replied:
Kelly Le Grand
Kelly G. replied:
I am with FSSF. We have a needs list pinned on our page. We have teams going out 5/6 days a week. We have a special team going out tonight a part of a Safety Plan Committee. Please post to our page or call out outreach Line and it will get re routed to one of us. Thank you http://www.friendsofthestatestreetfamily.org/