Certified Financial Planner recommendations? Anyone have a personal recommendation for a CFP in Madison? TIA!
Puckettchange replied:
I would start out by checking out [this website](http://www.letsmakeaplan.org/choose-a-cfp-professional/find-a-cfp-professional). We found three CFPs that fit our needs and interviewed them and picked the one that we felt fit best with our individual investment philosophy and our personalities.
SomethinGross replied:
Are a la carte meetings with a cfi/fiduciary a thing? I have some more immediate questions but generally chuck in indexes and hold, it would be nice sitting down and paying for an afternoon and being able to walk away without additional fees/commission.
monkeynostrils replied:
The Burrish group, UBS. Good CFP, decent in-house research. Good all-around services with only a $500 k min.