Looking for a Madison Area Liquor store that sells Glenlivet in a 1.75 bottle Been googling, and searching around but can't seem to find anything. I live about ~20 miles...
biffyguy replied:
Costco in Middleton. I think its like $45.
ArgetSaphira replied:
This might not be what you are looking for, but there is a single malt whiskey tasting this Friday at the Fitchburg Barriques [http://www.barriquesmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/Barriques-2014-Spring-schedule.pdf](http://www.barriquesmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/Barriques-2014-Spring-schedule.pdf)
Arkhamina replied:
Check out The Free House in Middleton, too - they have a VERY nice Scotch/Irish/Rye list, and it's a nice low-key place. http://www.freehousepub.com/whiskey/
Anonymous replied:
Join the Single Malt Society of Madison! Email them at madisonsinglemalt [at] gmail
biffyguy replied:
I know for certain they recently got two different Sizes. I was debating between them for awhile.
internet_sage replied:
Why that specific size? You could just buy 750 ml bottles, because it's the same stuff in both sizes.