Looking for advice/help! My son really really wants a turtle as a pet so I am starting to do the research on everything that we’d need to make that happen. I realized...
Lorraine L. replied:
Lindsay Hadden
Adrian W. replied:
Your son can by all means come by Dewdney and we can discuss reptiles with him. Just email me at Dewdneyvet@gmail.com if he is interested in learning more. Either way assume you are the one going to be taking care of it in the long run
Kimmie P. replied:
Niki Staub
Lorraine L. replied:
Scott Leathem
Brittany M. replied:
I personally would say get a tortoise I have a golden greek that roughly 30 yrs old we love and adore him we are his second home as his first couldn't take care of him but a good place to look is cbc turtles and tortoises https://www.facebook.com/CBC-Turtles-and-Tortoises-209874839043152/
Selena F. replied:
The Dewdney Animal Hospital rehomes reptiles that are brought to them. I'd try calling them or other vet hospitals to see if they have any for adoption? Or spca even?
Theresa A. replied:
Turtles (or tortoises) can be great pets but please do lots of research and make sure that you (and your son, and your son’s future kids!) know what you’re getting in for as they are a LONG term commitment. If you do decide to get one you could talk to Dr Walton at Dewdney Animal Hospital (Adrian Walton) as he has contacts at a lot of the reptile rescue places and could probably help you find one to adopt/rescue. Good luck!
Dog lovers: any recommendation for professional trainers/ pet store programs in the area or poco?
also, does Maple Ridge have any off leash fenced dog parks...