OK, I need your help. Does anyone know a lawyer, preferably in the Midlothian area, that is familiar with Smart Meters and Agenda 21 issues? I have made numerous phone...
Birgit M. replied:
instead of lawyer try this nice LETTER http://smartmetermatrix.org/node/53 SMART METER REFUSAL LETTER | smart / meter / matrix smartmetermatrix.org This letter template was created from a variety of sources in the US, and was pr...ovided by them for use by utility customers in Florida. There are other refusal letter templates on the Internet, or you can write your own letter to inform the utility that you “do not consent to the installation of any...See More
Katherine N. replied:
Here is an excellent article on the national grid. Objective and real. Hope this helps some understand how it works and how much that yes, it is regulated and how much yes, the electric company is REQUIRED to provide reliable service. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2010/07/power-grid/achenbach-text Electrical Grid - National Geographic Magazine ngm.nationalgeographic.com Can we fix the infrastructure that powers our lives?
Jason C. replied:
That's why agenda 21 is making the country off limits. We are all collectively easier to control and tax in cities and suburbs. No escapees allowed. You might move to a safer undeclared location and make a living off of pirating liberal products and music in international waters where US law has no jurisdiction. Just a thought.
Floyd B. replied:
http://www.change.org/petitions/we-say-no-to-wireless-smart-meters-in-the-state-of-virginia?utm_campaign=new_signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=signature_receipt#share We Say NO to Wireless Smart Meters in the State of Virginia! www.change.org We Say NO to Wireless Smart Meters in the State of Virginia! We oppose the manda...tory installation of wireless smart meters in Virginia and claim the...See More
ISO...To all of my realtor friends on FB...I need a reliable real estate closing attorney. I am refinancing my house and allowed my lender to choose a closing attorney....
Meg C. replied:
Hairfield and Morton
John H. replied:
Try Robert Pearsall. I think that is part of his practice.
Ahh, man I needed that good laugh. A local Attorney sent me a solicitation in the mail. Saying he wanted to represent me in my Possession of Marijuana charge. I have...