I've seen a post on here recently about mattamy and their not so good roofs. My wife and I NEED our roof replaced/repaired due to the winds this past year and due to our...
Janice F. replied:
Ayse Ucgec we also have a leaky roof and in search of a good reasonable roofer. Ridiculous that a 5 year old Mattamy home is like this. Could you please send me the roofers name and number
Tanja G. replied:
Shawn C. replied:
Interesting article on roof shingle warranties ... "If you read the shingle warranty carefully you ill quickly realize that it only covers defects as a result of manufacturing. Asphalt shingle warranties do not cover defects due to poor installation or defects in the structure. Furthermore it becomes quite difficult to distinguish and prove what has caused the defecting roofing. Of the few successful warranty claims that I’ve personally heard of they have all been a result of non-matched color and/or texture between packages of shingles." http://www.homeconstructionimprovement.com/asphalt-roof-shingle-warranty/
Robin G. replied:
You can file a warranty claim for the shingles with Building Products of Canada (BP) if you are the original owner. It is a painful process. They will cover replacement of the shingles at a prorated rate but not the cost of any labour. Good luck!