Where can I find (if it exists) a group of lawyers that offers legal aid to refugees ? Did I hear that there were some doing pro bono ? Or even paid ones that specialise...
Lina R. replied:
Ariel Ricker
Lisel Z. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/236761993350876 Advocates https://www.facebook.com/1640365466183887 Abroad has some people locally, as does Stop Mare Mortum
Celia S. replied:
Angela P. replied:
Sara Sofia Almeida, here in Social Impact Lab Leipzig, there is a project called https://www.facebook.com/714988505178541Refugee Law Clinic Leipzig. We don't know them in person. Try to talk with them. Good Luck:)
Kind of a naive question here, but are there refugees in Greek camps with cellphone credit or FB accounts who can communicate with volunteers outside in the world? If...
Kester R. replied:
Yep Return Watch is already trying to do the same thing. And Codenameact.org started before us. Return Watch will help connect people in need of lawyers with the lawyers' groups, because in fact I'm working for all three. It's actually quite hard to set this up to ensure informed consent, safeguarding of vulnerable persons, privacy, data security, not making bigger promises than we can actually fulfill, etc. I suggest working together rather than starting to invent the wheel for the third time. ;)
Ariel R. replied:
I think we need to be clear though - its hard enough getting enough lawyers to examine these cases, so when we present these cases, perhaps we can organize them by country. For example, return watch seems to deal more with deportation cases tha have already occured, so the refugee is already in Turkey or en route there. That requires a license in Turkey and knowledge of asylum law and Turkish law. Thats a different thing than what is needed for helping those still in Greece (ie, access to the Schengen, license to practice, and knowledge of EU law). I see a lot of people saying "this violates international law" "Get them a lawyer" etc. Fair enough, but its not like the lawyers can just show up and solve everything:) We need up to date info on where a particular refugee is - for example, I spent 30 minutes bothering a policeman in Moria for a refugee that had already been moved to Kara Tepe. This is all to say, there are lawyers that want to help, but they need information to be able to do their jobs effectively. Just my two cents.
Does anyone have any conacts or resources in Hungary. A refugee that I got to know pretty well in Lesvos is currently in jail in Hungary. He's been...
Puja B. replied:
Abraham Teran
Jackie T. replied:
you can ask here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481045622191344/
Lina R. replied:
Luca Janka László maybe you can advice of point in the right direction
Does anyone have any information regarding NGO's or others that help asylum seekers financially with lawyers, in the Northern European countries? I've had requests from...
I was contacted today by a Syrian national who was detained recently in Corfu. He's asked me not to share his personal details. He is a minor and has told me there...
Yvonne S. replied:
Contact Advocates Abroad on FB!
Ariel R. replied:
Thanks Yvonne :) No, I dont currently have someone there. But I keep a few incoming team placements flexible for this reason. Can you send me his info, docs, etc, to advocatesabroad@gmail.com? Depending on urgency, Ill see who I can bring out when.
UK based members- does anyone know a UK notary (a lawyer who legalises documents) who's willing to help medical and dental volunteers get their documents sorted for...
Can someone inform me on good Facebook group on Chios?
I need contact with humanitarian activists, lawyer, legal aid workers to help with questions about registration...
LEGAL SITUATION IN GERMANY/LAWYERS - does anyone have contacts or know any charities who are legally representing refugees in Germany?
Equally is there a group like...
If anyone knows any refugee lawyers in Finland, please contact me or connect me below. I am communicating with an Afghan in a refugee center in Finland who does not...
Anyone have a way to contact one of the lawyers working the asylum and refugee cases? I've found a couple Afghan interpreters who worked alongside...
In early March, I met a Christian Pakistani at BDFM. He needs legal assistance. His business in Karachi was attacked because he's...
Sofia J. replied:
Garvey Chui Aida Khalil Trissell Peter N. Bouckaert Matt Abud
Oproep. Wie heeft 'n mobiele printer beschikbaar voor juristen die naar Lesbos gaan om vluchtelingen juridische bijstand te verlenen onder de Turkijedeal? CC Mera...
Things are coming together and it is very exciting. We need people! Is there a lawyer that can help us navigate things as we move forward? How...
Seeing how there's an urgent need for lawyers on Lesvos right now, and not so much in Izmir (my current location), I can come for the day and help as many as...