Looking for seamstress in Moncton Any recommendations for a seamstress (alterations, hems etc) in Dieppe or Moncton area? thanks.
Brittanylh replied:
Margo’s alterations is great although it’s in Riverview 506-872-3979 is the number She did my wedding dress super last minute as well as my bridesmaid’s dresses and my husbands suit.
nednikb replied:
Rose's Alterations on Second Avenue is amazing. Quick, super affordable, and she's an absolute gem!
momerg replied:
Dawn-Ann's Dress Design and Alterations
[**Address**](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA798CA798&q=dawn-ann%27s+dress+design+%26+alterations+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LWT9c3LMkyL6sqLNeSzU620s_JT04syczPgzOsElNSilKLixex6qYklufpJublqRcrgIUUUlKLM9PzFNQUEnNKUovAyosVoOoBxto6I14AAAA&ludocid=10014090707273453385&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX2K2AvebiAhVrTt8KHQ6FDfUQ6BMwF3oECBAQAw)**:** 135 Janice Ave, Moncton, NB E1A 0C5
[**Phone**](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA798CA798&q=dawn-ann%27s+dress+design+%26+alterations+phone&ludocid=10014090707273453385&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX2K2AvebiAhVrTt8KHQ6FDfUQ6BMwGXoECBcQAg)**:** [(506) 852-4480](https://www.google.com/search?q=dawn+ann+dress+design&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA798CA798&oq=dawn+ann+d&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.8531j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#)
kevsthabest replied:
[https://www.facebook.com/SeamstressCouturiereDianneSaulnier/](https://www.facebook.com/SeamstressCouturiereDianneSaulnier/) She also does great work, Recently went in to get some patches sown on a my sons jacket. Reasonably priced and quick work! She is located on Botsford almost across the street from the fire department.
Needed: Amazing seamstress to sew a custom couch slipcover for me.
Renée W. replied:
My girl may be able to do it? She does all my curtains. I can ask about recovering.If not try this lady on Kijiji. She re-does patio furniture and the ladies at Fabricville say she is great: http://www.kijiji.ca/.../patio-furniture.../1013550931...
Carrie S. replied:
Heather wait till the auction there will be a huge item which includes such service at a discounted rait.. Brynes Decorating
Looking for a Tailor / Men's Clothing Looking to spruce up my duds, and wondering where people would recommend. I don't want to spend a fortune; but I am willing to pay...
Desalvo23 replied:
I've looked for a tailor in the Moncton area myself for a while with no success. If you find one, let me know please and thank you hehe edit: decent tailor
remog replied:
There used to be one called Zachary Samuels, but he's gone. There is Colpits on Main Street (https://www.colpittsmenswear.com/). Not sure of who else.
Looking for someone to hem my curtains! My sewing skills are lacking...would prefer to give the business to someone local, if anyone can recommend a seamstress :) Thanks!