Anyone here know where I can get a General Liability Policy for my business?
Lisa J. replied:
Jeff Hammett
David E. replied:
Give Stephanie Horan a call at JJ Wade & Associates Commercial Lines Account Manager JJ Wade & Associates PO Box1209 | 212 South Main St. | Davidson, NC 28036 direct; 704-997-2709 office: 704-892-9297 Ext. 209 fax: 704-896-0485 email:
Kimberly G. replied:
In case you need another, I really like Wes Carney with Nationwide right in Davidson. 704-892-1115
Julia A. replied:
Call Maria Wilson at aquesta.
Vickie S. replied:
Justin Werbiskis - Pegram Insurance704.895.6090 Tell him Vickie referred you.:)
Heather V. replied:
Jason Colvin. State Farm
Nils L. replied:
Avoid State Farm. I was paying "X" amount every year to cover two properties and a business policy and it increased 5-10% per year. Then in 2013, they decided that my property was worth far more than it was, according to their own company appraisers and they jacked my rates up about 35% in one year. I challenged them to no avail. I called Liberty Mutual and got better coverage for 2/3 s of what I had been paying in 2007. Liberty Mutual.
I am so glad to be a part of the business networking groups that I'm in! What a great group of fun, honest and kind people! If anyone needs ANY type of service (whether...
Julie F. replied:
Agreed Tracy!
Tracy P. replied:
Kevin - if you need a website, you should call Kevin at McBryde Website Design. They do excellent work! ;)