Looking for a reputable and trustworthy personal injury lawyer in Nashville. I'm not a local and need someone with an operation in Nashville who is helpful and as far...
Keith_Creeper replied:
I heard that Bart Durham is still alive.
Mianator replied:
Watch TV for 10 minutes. You'll see about 15 commercials for one
dlish33 replied:
I gotta guy. (Source: I'm a former Nashville attorney) Send me a message if you're still in need.
infinitevalence replied:
Sutherland & Belk, PLC(615) 846-6200 Taylor is the real deal, not some ambulance chaser. He understand that everyone has a right to legal representation.
I do not want to get into the details of the situation on Facebook but I was involved in an accident where I will need the services and expertise of a personal injury...
Johnny L. replied:
http://www.marlowelaw.net/. I've known him for over 20 years and I also do work for him. he does alot of personal injury accidents