Wildlife rehabilitation for small bird? Hello!
Does anyone know of a wildlife rehabilitation center in westchester or nearby? I found an injured house sparrow and...
iliveinwp replied:
If you're able to drive to NYC (upper west side), this is exactly the kind of thing that the [Wild Bird Fund](https://www.wildbirdfund.org/) does. A lot of people take wild injured sparrows or pigeons to them for rehabilitation. If you want to stay more local, you can use the DEC website to find a local rehabilitator: [https://www.dec.ny.gov/cfmx/extapps/sls\_searches/index.cfm?p=live\_rehab](https://www.dec.ny.gov/cfmx/extapps/sls_searches/index.cfm?p=live_rehab) You can also reach out to the [Center for Wildlife](https://www.centerforwildlife.org/rescue) in Yonkers - they have a hotline for this.
vulcandeath33 replied:
https://ny4 wildlife.org/projects-the-aviary
mercedesmarcymorgan replied:
The bird sanctuary in NYC will euthanize it. This is from personal experience. Read the online reviews. They killed the sparrow we brought in...same day.
We have an awesome update to share this evening. Our sweet boy Jacob has found his forever home. We are so happy for him.
We rescued Jacob from a rural shelter in the...
Francine S. replied:
Wishingg Jacob and his family a happy forever after.
Fred Z. replied:
support phantom https://www.gofundme.com/28 wgcp9 k
Through which organization and where did you provide professional Rehabilitation services in another country?
Rachel W. replied:
I know two in Haiti: 1) STAND the Haiti project: treating a ridiculous amount of patients while also having fun for 1-2 weeks. 2) Haiti Rehabilitation Foundation: teaching Haitian nationals at a bachelors level for PT and/or OT. (from provided curriculums and power points if needed) There may also be need for CIs in the future I am moving to Haiti to work with multiple organizations but will be doing work with both of these and they are great short term trip opportunities. I can provide more details on both if interested. Please don't let the teaching scare you. They are small classes and the most interactive students you have ever seen. I was out for two years the first time I went and co taught with two DPT students. Both organizations have opportunities for students as well.
Micaela R. replied:
Cusco,Peru Manos Unidas
Shelby J. replied:
Some of my classmates and I are leaving for Honduras in a week through Honduras Fountain of Life