Looking for a piano tuner, plus a piano teacher in Newberg (one who could also do voice would be a bonus!) Recommendations??
Angie B. replied:
Tara Velarde for lessons! http://taranvelarde.wixsite.com/musiceducator
Erin M. replied:
What level piano instruction? I am a voice teacher here ( www.eringmccarthy.com ) but know several piano folks too.
Bob T. replied:
Rejoice piano's 971-241-6658 for tuning and Kayla Stroik971-325-8342 at Newberg music center for lesson's she also does voice both are 60.00 per month 1/2 hr once a week.
Tina S. replied:
Wendy Trier Vece
Karen D. replied:
Tara Velarde does voice and piano + more uses the cultural ctr music rooms for our lessons - she is wonderful! http://taranvelarde.wixsite.com/musiceducator