Ants! Any solutions? Central North Carolina, 24K in-ground salt pool. On a natural/wooded lot pool deck runs up to the tree line.
This season we have had an...
midesaka replied:
I've had some success treating anthills around our pool with diatomaceous earth. It takes a while to work, but it is safe for kids and pets. It's not guaranteed to get rid of them, but it can help.
eaglewatch1945 replied:
* 1 C simple syrup/sugar water * 1 T borax * cotton balls Mix borax and sugar water. Soak cotton balls with mixture. Place in high traffic ant areas.
i30swimmer replied:
Get serious with the pest control and get some Bifen IT from []( Talstar would also work. Youll need to spray your yard and your pool deck, and then stay off the area for a few days. Follow the label for each of these. Good news is that you can use either inside your home and get rid of your pest control guy. After all - this is the stuff he's buying and reselling you any way.
Chris_Theo replied:
I've used Ortho Ant B Gon Spray around my home and pool. It works remarkably well. Spray the perimeter of what you're trying to protect and you'll notice far fewer ants.
Capricocalico replied:
White vinegar will kill ants at a 50-50 dilution and is totally fine if it falls into your pool. White vinegar is used to treat scaling and help with lowering Ph in some cases, so it won't do anything funky with your water but maybe lower the ph a touch.
Any-Gur6532 replied:
Any amount of borax ingested by any insect is fatal. Low dose make them able to carry it back to the hive.