Does anyone out in FB land, know of a trustworthy Licensed Electrician, here in our area? Need a power box for our power thingy... ( my mind went blank, its a Generac)
Jacky H. replied:
Coni Russo Szemis... once you get a good electrician, share his name and phone number... where I work they need an electrician, but we keep putting it on the "back burner".... I hope you find a great one.
Grace C. replied:
Higher Power!
Coni S. replied:
Jacky, Frank Hannum, Kerry's husband .... Higher Power Electrical Contractor...:)
Rich C. replied:
Frank Hannum609-287-7119
Anthony S. replied:
Dever Electric
Ellen G. replied:
I've heard Mr Sparky is good. 609-957-5188. Calvi Electric is great too!!!
Laura L. replied:
Marissa Russo can you ask Russo Thomas
JoAnn C. replied:
Higher Power Electrical Contractor (this is Susan Aspenberg's son-in-law (Frank Hannum)
Need a recommendation for an electrician and a carpet guy. My dad has owned a rental condo in Pleasantville for many years. It is in Marina Del Rey. If your familiar...
Ann E. replied:
We have been using Tom Jackson & Sons Electrical for our hurricane Sandy repairs. Quick and good prices. 609 214 7317. Carpet guy, Joey 609 453-8967. I also know a flooring guy, if you are interested.