Anyone know of a really amazing tattoo artist? Need someone creative and artsy! Thanks :)
Anna L. replied:
I just had an artist draw mine's breathtaking...going to have my guys tat it.....The artists name is Tom D'Tom D'Amato......I will inbox you the beautiful piece he designed me:)
Melissa J. replied:
Tattoo City in Lockport, Jessica Weichers is an fabulous artist, go on my page under likes and check her out. I have been to firehouse tattoos, and many fully tattooed friends in the past and they are just ok. We all have switched away. Also remember it depends on what you want. Most artists should specialize in a certain styles and techniques.
Laura K. replied:
got mine at Native Rituals by Jimmy V Regalado. My hubs too.
Stephanie D. replied:
Wow Laura Novak Kirby!!! That's yours!? I had no idea you had that! Beautiful
Jeff K. replied:
Bill Braskey
Leonard P. replied:
Larry Brogan at Tattoo City in Lockport. Nationally known
Regina M. replied:
Jeffrey Paetzold he's at insight studio's in Chicago they have the best artist
Ok peeps I need an tattoo artist/ artist to put pencil to paper for a tattoo idea I want for my birthday next month... let me now name and info...
Ric J. replied:
Tat Jojo Needjogreen is good he does mine.
Kelli M. replied:
Dan Youngblood is awesome
Michael S. replied:
David Tattoobaby Sandoval Sr.
Sasha C. replied:
Dennis Kline
Toni Z. replied:
Dennis Kline
Philip W. replied:
Firehouse Tattooa Chuck
Allison K. replied:
chuck at Firehouse Tatoo
Jo-Cele Q. replied:
Jim Walsh?
Sheryl M. replied:
Jesse from Electric Land Tattoo. ..hands down the best around
Jim J. replied:
Constable tattoo. Talk with Kyle. He's awesome. Award winning artist. I have the number if you want it. I know he's booked out for a couple of weeks in advance.