Looking for a painter So I'm trying to find someone that would be willing to repaint some Amiibos for me. I'm wanting to get repaints of 9 Yoshis. I already have a...
MacGuffen replied:
While I am tempted to take this commission, all of my paints are a state away, in a shed...
letsbeelectric replied:
I'd be willing to do them for you =) PM me if you're interested.
GrinningFoxCustoms replied:
If things don't work out with MacGuffen, let me know. [Yoshi Trio](http://img06.deviantart.net/411e/i/2015/224/f/0/yoshi_trio_w__custom_boxes___amiibo_customs_by_grinningfoxcustoms-d95bwow.png) [Pink Yoshi](http://pre12.deviantart.net/a916/th/pre/i/2015/224/7/1/pink_yoshi_w__custom_box___amiibo_custom_by_grinningfoxcustoms-d95bwo1.png) [Light Blue Yoshi](http://pre10.deviantart.net/48de/th/pre/i/2015/224/2/c/light_blue_yoshi_w__custom_box___amiibo_custom_by_grinningfoxcustoms-d95bwng.png) [Black Yoshi](http://pre05.deviantart.net/325b/th/pre/i/2015/242/d/7/black_yoshi_w__custom_box___amiibo_custom_by_grinningfoxcustoms-d97u2gv.png) [Red Yoshi](http://pre14.deviantart.net/378e/th/pre/i/2015/242/9/6/red_yoshi_by_grinningfoxcustoms-d97u2i5.png) [Blue Yoshi](http://pre01.deviantart.net/fd3b/th/pre/i/2015/242/c/e/blue_yoshi_w__custom_box_by_grinningfoxcustoms-d97u2hl.png)
Mordo85 replied:
http://mrmordo85.deviantart.com/ if you're interested
aayee replied:
http://instagram.com/ameowbo and http://ameowbo.imgur.com if interested, i love coloring yoshis and it shouldn't take too long at all, and i can start almost immediately :)
Tamat2009 replied:
If you're still looking, I'm available as well (sorry I couldn't get to this sooner, I've been busy;;). [Here's an album of some of my previous work (that I need to update at some point)](http://imgur.com/a/cvL2W) [And here's the one pic I managed to snap of my custom black Yoshi completed before I gave it as a gift to a friend 2 weeks ago](http://imgur.com/JJx8 ytr.jpg) (apologies in advance for any potato quality) Send me a PM if you're still interested. I currently don't have many commissions to work on so I should be able to complete work quickly. Good luck on your project!
Anybody know a talented professional body painter in LA for hire?
J.D. B. replied:
Star Marie Oakland
Traci K. replied:
Melà Ci
Giovanna B. replied:
Star Marie Oakland
Catherine M. replied:
Star Marie Oakland- she's the best!
Gina T. replied:
https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=239416422763080&ref=bookmarks#!/story.php?story_fbid=890663357638380&id=239416422763080&_ft_=top_level_post_id.890663357638380&__tn__=%2As I am an artist here is my fb page
Gina T. replied:
https://m.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.ctctcdn.com%2F6 f75804 e001%2F74 ebbaee-5955-456 e-8 b41-ed30 e908 d671.pdf%3Futm_source%3DWINTER%2B2015%2BIssue%2B5%252C%2BAmerican%2BBuddhist%2BWomen%26 utm_campaign%3DWinter%2B2015%2BIssue%2BABW%26 utm_medium%3Demail&h=WAQGoVH69&enc=AZPtBFkNrR3L9GqV-PygSf9Sg1-wGnVFgpBKgTWCpvtaW3 irSxNB1E7Bo4NlUU6 ucRkOnkZYNHn0 og57 q2 izpTeauMbqjn0 xcWotNToQ0UeWpilVGsZ2E7Bafh5 iFkknkF4&s=1 One of my interviews
Last day to be oh so incredibly helpful and name any bay area artists! My final project is due tomorrow and I would love any last minute names to give recognition to...
Lili K. replied:
Rae Vena- visual artist
Joey J. replied:
Carolyn P. replied:
PrizmSpace.com !!! Me :)
Jacquelyn G. replied:
Here's the artist I was referring to! http://raevena.com/
This seems like the perfect place to find out any information about this painting in our collection. It's done by Henry Dietrich Gremke, a San Francisco born painter....
Paul J. replied:
Frustrating that H.D. Gremke or the subsequent handlers of this painting didn't provide the "What, where, and when" of the scene depicted. The headlands in the distances approximate 'the Heads' of the Golden Gate. That white pillar that appears to be a light house tower (or a paint blemish) isn't typical of the light stations atop any prominence that I'm familiar w/ other than the 84 foot tower Alcatraz light but that was built in the early 1900 s. I'm struck by this painting's resemblance to photos of the wreck of the wood downeaster Frank Jones that came ashore just outside Fort Point in March 1877. The wreck was sold to a salvager who stripped the vessel of stores, spares and sails when efforts to repair and re-float the vessel failed. http://sflib1.sfpl.org:82/record=b1036999http://sflib1.sfpl.org:82/record=b1036997
Dear Bay Area friends. I'm in NEED of a studio in the East Bay. I am looking for a painter-friendly, individual space. If you hear of anything or are in a building where...
Hi folks I need a reliable, fair and good painter for a home we manage in Oakland......please send me referrals it is not a big job but I do need it done as soon as...
Michelle S. replied:
Alex Ramirez901-870-5250. Ray said you'll need to text the address to him once you discuss it so he can find the home. He should be able to get right on it.
A painter who decided to never paint a white person again, Kerry James Marshall: "the white population is pretty good at projecting an image of its ideal self into the...
Jason P. replied:
I think he was particularly tickled when he got to have a retrospective in one of the whites places on earth. <3 I HOPE YOU GOT TO SEE IT Marie!http://vimeo.com/88163892