Looking for the person who offers classes and advice on car maintenance and used car purchasing I'm not on facebook anymore, but when I was I remember seeing somebody...
lalaleslie replied:
https://mechanicshopfemme.com/product/the-whys-and-whens-of-car-maintenance/?fbclid=IwAR0FvL5 wf35MqayHtvp7OZD1I9 tLs73BqKHAunDmGHRlnG1W1_oiMCuAttA (Not Philly basses but posts allot on Philly pages I got ya and http://girlsautoclinic.com
internet_friends replied:
I think it might be through girls auto clinic I know exactly who you're talking about but their name escapes me
so_it_goess replied:
This is super helpful. Thanks for posting
alittlemore replied:
You can also learn a buttload off of youtube. You got a specific problem, you name it, its probably there how to fix it. ChrisFix specifically is great, and I think he's fairly local. Jersey maybe? Also, reddit of course has a plethora of information.
I am looking for a local company from which I could order fleece jackets with a company logo. It wouldn't be many - about 12. Does anyone have any local...
I realize that this message board is not meant for advertising businesses. I'm a northern liberties based piano teacher and just printed new flyers. Can anyone recommend...
Bernie V. replied:
Hi, you can post on the other nolibs msg board https://www.facebook.com/groups/254568458104/
Looking for Dress makers!!
$1 - Hatboro, PA (19040)
I'm looking for any dress makers to make some dresses for little ones for my photography business. I know there was...
A phone technician/ programmer is needed for a dental office to set up the phone system's voicemail, hold time advertising, etc.
Please give me any leads ( no " call...