hello... i have a (maybe odd) question... traveling with my dog, and he is my support dog (anxiety, ridiculously low blood pressure, etc)... i have not been able to get...
Sharon S. replied:
The documents cannot be older than 72 hrs from commencement of travel for US agriculture. They must state INTERNATIONAL travel
Sharon S. replied:
Sounds like a plan. He will be there at 8 am to open for sure his # 976-722-390 to coordinate a meeting. I told him to expect your call
Jason G. replied:
Where are you traveling? Need the dog on the plane? You can get a certificate online from the states to "certify" it as a service dog. It's not super legit but it should pass in central and South America. I've looked into this and it doesn't really work in the US but it looks official so if you really sell the con it should work. http://usdogregistry.org/?gclid=CJee7NHFjc8CFQuAfgodhjwPpw
Sharon S. replied:
The clinic in Coya has American doctors I don't have the phone number but they can write you a script. You need all vaccinations and you need a health certificate and a copy of the veterinarians college degree. Lazy Vet in Cusco handles my dogs documents. But you need documentation from a doctor. If your dog is small you can crate him and pay for his passage in the cabin
Hola, Beloveds. I'm writing on behalf of my friend Cindy McKeon (on FB), who'll soon be coming to Peru from the United States. She would like to buy medicines to treat...
Hetty D. replied:
Dan Furst remember the story I tell during the Basic Theta seminar of one of my clients with Fibromayalga who after 7 years of suffering seeing me for 1 session and was cured and that was in 2007 and she's still free of it.
Jim P. replied:
Check out MINSA, e.g. this page which tells you prices for various things: <http://observatorio.digemid.minsa.gob.pe/>. Start typing and stuff appears. All drugs have to be registered with MINSA in Peru. Also see other links in the side-bar.
Hi guys.. woke up today with all my joints aching... my body in alot of pain... muscles hurting... feeling nausea... bloating and headache... im hoping its just a simple...
Sean W. replied:
if you can check your temperature that would be useful, you can get a thermometer from a farmacia http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/thermometer
Dear friends please I need your help, does anybody know a homeopathic doctor in the valley that is good with eczema my 6 years old son I getting it in his head and I'm...
Gustavo P. replied:
Right now Lala Salazar, a biomagnetism specialist is visiting the Valley and today she was giving therapies in Pisac. Her cellphone is 987844723. Her English is not so good but someone can translate. She's just amazing and have learned from the tops in the world
Does anybody know an available Doctor to see a friend who just got bit by a dog ?
It happened a couple of hours ago but I just found out.
She's visiting from the US....
HUSSERO NEEDED IN CUSCO AREA EMERGENCY! My son has had a serious accident and broken a few bones, does anyone in the area know of a huserro or BONE DOCTOR? please let me...
Yamilet M. replied:
Mariano Tapia is the best huesero in Urubamba in torrechayoc
Dear friends please I need your help, does anybody know a homeopathic doctor in the valley that is good with eczema my 6 years old son I getting it in his head and I'm...
Alfonso F. replied:
Sangre de Grado or Dragons Blood is great for eczema. Copaiba oil is also effective.
does anyone know a long - distance healer who can diagnose/help my friend back in Russia? she's fading out real fast, doctors can't tell what's wrong with her. she can't...
Hello everyone. Does anyone know of any good holistic dermatologist/skin doctors here in Pisac or in Cusco? I need to get some treatment done while I'm here. Any help...
The pregnant girlfriend of our guardian has been sick for over a month. They sent her to the Regional Hospital in Cuzco where she didn't receive good care. Now they want...
Can anyone recommend an English speaking doctor in the valley for gastrointestinal problems? The problem does not seem to be an infection or food poisoning.
hello... i have a (maybe odd) question... traveling with my dog, and he is my support dog (anxiety, ridiculously low blood pressure, etc)... i have not been able to get...