Needing cheap service. No original key to program new key and it's at the bear Creek lake any idea?
$40 - Newkirk, OK
I gotta copy of my key but it needs programmed to...
Help! I live east of town and my keys were just locked in my trunk. Older car and I don't have a spare. Are there any locksmiths that won't kill my debit card?
Denise T. replied:
Love Robby & Jana but we couldn't afford it because we are out east of town too.
Any one know a locksmith or someone with a slim Jim or whatever you call it. Son locked his keys in truck
Doreen T. replied:
Debi call Ponca City Police, one time I did that with Tanya as a tiny baby, shut the door, then thur keys on top of her and the door locked. Duh... but they got it open with a slim jim.