Hi, I need an official translator for some documents, Spanish to english. Any recommendations? I'm in San Jose.
Vicki S. replied:
I started a list of some on my blog. I know Tica Maria Tomas is available all sorts of house (including Saturdays) & she speaks really good English (tell her Hola from Vicki) http://LivingLifeInCostaRica.blogspot.com/.../translators...
I feel like I need a tech-translator. where's the session for Super Drupal Beginners? #SUdrupalcamp #techlost
Alyssa H. replied:
glad to see that I'm not the only Drupal beginner here! join me tomorrow for this session: https://drupalcamp.stanford.edu/conversational-drupal-crash-course-drupal-jargon
Costa Rica folks, I'm coming in December and need a professional translator in San Jose - does anyone have any leads? I'll be in CR for two weeks doing research on Costa...