I am looking for an accountant. Someone who can do my personal and corporate year end taxes as well as consult with me a few times during the year regarding my...
Elizabeth P. replied:
Jon, we have been using Jeffery for the past 15 plus years. Perhaps he can help: http://www.jrgea.com/
Kristy B. replied:
Alissa Ganci
Fran D. replied:
Arlene Hertlein- great for private businesses. 310-2976 or 674-5691
Caroline R. replied:
Cruz Carcases is a great account with a lot of experience.
Hi all.. Wondering if anybody knows a payroll company that covers stunts? We have called most companies listed in the 411 and nobody will cover us. We need it for two...
Erik H. replied:
Have you spoken with Smith & Stilwell? http://smithandstilwell.com
Anthony N. replied:
Jewely, have you tried Cast & Crew? http://www.castandcrew.com
Anthony N. replied:
Alternately try contacting the Stuntmens Association and see which companies have handled their members payroll in the past http://www.stuntmen.com/
Jewely B. replied:
Hi Anthony Nex, thank you. We did and they denied our request. Media Services is who we usually use for needed stunt insurance and they denied us as well? We have one talent who is an actual employee of the location we are renting doing high risk activity very high on a tower. The height is the reason we are getting denied. There has to be something.. Thanks all!
Jewely B. replied:
Anthony Nex, oh thank you! I will try contacting the stuntman's association. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Anthony N. replied:
OK, last one, putting it here rather than privately in case anyone else needs the info. My sister is a studio nurse and used to work for a workmans comp company, she suggested Talent Partners since they've run payroll for some of the workmans comp cases she was on. http://www.talentpartners.com/products_payroll.html
La film friends: I need a new accountant. Mine is officially deep on my shit list. Anyone got a good one? must be film world savvy
Justin D. replied:
David Stern "not the NBA commissioner" in MDR. 310.342.6400 ext. 119
Olivia P. replied:
Rick Hall-rick@ricks-ap.com
Danielle K. replied:
Henri Dragonas Justin Dragonas Rick B is the world's worst accountant
Chase C. replied:
Danielle yes I agree. Rick B has fucked up with me for the last time. He and I are done... (No offence Henri...) Thanks for the referrals Jeremy, Justin, and Victoria... I appreciate it. Rick can, as my brother says "suck a hot fart out of (Carter's) ass..." Ewwwww Ps yes Kevin that would work just fine with me!!!
Chase C. replied:
Olivia Miles Payne awesome. He's film friendly? We are a complicated pair. Two corps, massive write offs, a personal account... We are a bit of a shit show... Is he hands on?
Jeremy J. replied:
Jerrel Dunsworth
Jeremy J. replied:
Sent it to@mac.com address
Henri D. replied:
Rick Birnbaum. CPA. Always go to a CPA. Tarzana. He's listed. They can rep you in an audit. God forbid. Film savvy. All entertainment. Not expensive. Free consultations. Love him.
Hi everybody,
I would like to learn what you think/I need a help: How can I choose my transfer university? I have been studying business; I will take more 21 units to...
Mehran M. replied:
Speak with counselor at Santa Monica College Counseling Department and the counselor will guide you about your major and let you know which university will have your major, too.