Ветеринарна клиника и хотел жк. Надежда ул. Георги Войтех 16 ( зад бл.122).Разполагаме и с ветеринарен кабинет в бл.172 до метростанция НадеждаSofia, Sofia-city1220
They are good one https://www.facebook.com/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-City-Jungle-133554236672367/?hc_location=ufi
Nik T. replied:
1. https://www.facebo https://www.facebook. https://www.facebook.com/1660888967https://www.facebook.com/140219502770820 66816 com/103542303021401 ok.com/260031660753599 Добро Хрумване 2. Central Vet Clinic 3. Ветеринарна клиника "Син кръст" 4. Ветеринарна клиника NOVA
Does anyone know how much roughly vet vaccines (core vaccines for kittens) are, and any recommendations for vets preferably near mladost ?
Юлиа . replied:
Central vet clinic. http://www.centralvetclinic.com
Kostas J. replied:
Ветеринарен център "Sofia Vet"
Katrin D. replied:
"Good Idea" clinic in Iztok, they have different prices for stray animals, you can ask them:)
Ales I. replied:
Hi Natalia, I'm happy with this clinic in Mladost 4 http://www.mm-vet.com/kontakti/
Katrin D. replied:
This is their main page where you can find their contacts: https://www.facebook.com/dobrohrumvane/
Christina T. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/217405408286885Vip Vet ( Доц. Васил Манов )
Irina V. replied:
http://www.vetmedicus.com This one is very good Vaccines are around 40 lv
Emese V. replied:
http://nova-vet.net/%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82/ They are in Mladost 4, prices are on their website. They have bundles for kittens which includes vaccines, microchip and some tests.
Hi people, I'm taking my dog to Bulgaria from Portugal and I would like to know if someone know a reasonable Veterinary in Sofia? Thanks in advance.
Bia C. replied:
I use this one: http://svetiantim.com/ it is close to the center, its 24/7 and they have some people in the staff that speaks English.
Anna-Maija J. replied:
Bluecrossbg.com it is
Diana M. replied:
There is a very close one in Mladost 1 close to the Jerusalem Str. - Dr. Animals. I brought my dogs several times and everything is pretty cool (they are giving me really cool prices for some of the medicines ;)))) Otherwise i strongly recommend Dobro Hrumvane. It's in the center, very easy to reach with the metro - close to Serdica station.
Boriana T. replied:
+1 for Dobro hrumvane: https://www.facebook.com/dobrohrumvane/
I visit "Dobro Hrumvane" near Pirotska street, doctors are very nice and i think they speak English https://m.facebook.com/dobrohrumvane/?locale2=bg_BG
Guys could you suggest me a good veterinary in the center area? I m not satisfied with my vet
Alice M. replied:
I just came back from the Central vet clinic on "Chavdar Mutafov" street. They've got loads of equipment there. When I can, I go to Green Do on "Murphy" 28, because it's closer to my place and they're also good. I'm satisfied with both clinics - good service, they take care to accommodate me and my cat every time. Green Do doesn't have x-ray equipment, but they'll give you a note for the Central Vet if you need that.
Валентин . replied:
https://www.facebook.com/238130859674686Green Do Veterinary Clinic
Бил . replied:
Simo Vet
Violeta R. replied:
We go to Veterinary Clinic Sofia and we are pretty pleased with doctor Djambazov.
Hi! Somebody knows a veterinarian clinic for exotics that is professional and is not super expensive?(And that they don't try to make you expend money in useless...
Melinda M. replied:
Hi, how can i help you? I am one of the exotic vets at Central veterinary clinic in Sofia.currently I am working Tuesday and Wednesdays.
Елица . replied:
You can also try https://www.facebook.com/dobrohrumvane/?hc_ref=ARSGg5 wy1ZPWQU8 ikV_-H3RT3RegyXThZNNOzvvtJbcGHpZc69 eVQWnwQR0AYkJNtB8&fref=nf They are also used to working with wild animals (as it is basically the hospital for the wild animals rescue organization), so they might be good with exotics
Елица . replied:
And yes, the Central Vet Clinic are very good as well, rescuers are regulrs there too