Can anyone recommend a chiropractor? Hi everyone! I just moved here and need to continue treatment for a car accident I was in. Can anyone recommend a chiropractor to...
ave_maria99 replied:
I'd say Sheppard Sports Clinic in Solana Beach but that's not very close.
sdjumpercable replied:
I'd say check out Doctible. They are a local company that has doctors and chiropractors posting prices on their website.
RockStarSD replied:
Good vibrations in Kensington.
drew46n2 replied:
I'd recommend a little research, chiropractic care has little foundation in sound science. A massage therapist would be cheaper and just as effective.
Anonymous replied:
I know a fire pit where you can burn your money that will be just as effective. It's a harmless though expensive placebo in general, but for the love of god, don't let them anywhere near your neck.