Looking for recommendations After an extensive Google search I've decided to get the opinions of Redditors. Looking for a reliable, trustworthy, reasonably priced dog...
Anonymous replied:
Robots_Eat_Children replied:
I’m replying based on the title. Never date a chick with a neck tattoo.
steelsun replied:
Dog walkers often work certain areas. It doesn't make sense for them to have a task on the SW side and NE side the same day as they'd lose money due to travel time and gas. Best bet is to try the Nextdoor app and check who neighborhood locals recommend.
ewsx7 replied:
my coworker uses that wag app and hasn't had any issues
Harmony0203 replied:
Rover app does dog walking. I had my dog sleep over with a Rover person and it worked great. Plus they have reviews and you can meet up before you commit.