Need recommendations for a good exterminator please. My cousin has either bumble bees or carpenter bees going behind the fascia board on her house. Thank you.
Carpenter Bees, almost guarantee it! I also guarantee my work and we use Eco Friendly solutions whenever possible, private message me and we can discuss options.
Looking for experienced carpenter for work we have right now
Bob M. replied:
give gary ricciardi a call.....218-2917.....599-1324. came highly recommended by boilard. he rebuilt both decks and replaced 3 doors for me. has done work for many neigbors who are very happy too.
Does anybody know what the nursing home on Carpenter and Walnut used to be called? I think maybe Walnut Ridge? A friend of mine is there against her will. Feel so bad...
Kathy E. replied:
Capitol Care?
Mary Y. replied:
Dirksen House...and the care has been terrible for years and years. They change owners and/or management constantly, but never hire enough staff to really take care of the residents like they should be. It all has to do with the minimum staffing required by law...and they hire only the bare bones that they can get away with. And that is only if EVERYONE shows up to work. Mean time the owners rake in the money with little of it going to the workers who are lucky to get minimum wage or slightly more. I told my brother NOT to put his wife there after her health care situation. It has had a bad reputation for over 40 years! (maybe more)
anybody know a Carpenter/roofer looking for a job..... Roof just needs some mner flashing by a vent....and my kitchen has a 4 ft by 4 ft section of the plaster ceiling...