Who knows a chiropractor / masseuse !! I'm in rough shape.
Anne B. replied:
My neighbor does deep tissue work out of his home. You can book with him right online. Message me if you're interested and I will get you his info. Ps, he's a server at Figlio too so he's already in the family ! David W Anderson
David C. replied:
Hey Casey! Blake Chiropractic on Hwy 7 and Shady Oak has always been good to me.
Haylee H. replied:
Go see Mara Dina Arestegui at hair police. I've heard by many that she works wonders on backs.
Scott H. replied:
Magna HealthandFitness has the best chiropractor, messeuse, and acupuncturist around. I see them every week. Looks like you have a few choices. The biggest thing is find someone you like and can stick with. Good Luck
I've been dealing with some super tight/painful muscles in my neck/shoulder/back... Where do you suggest I start, Facebook Friends: chiropractor, PCP, or massage...