I am looking for Walter Russell audio. I found the CD's on philosophy.org, but since I live in Australia - the shipping is a bit much. Anyone know where I can purchase...
Richard G. replied:
Twenty twenty my email is. richardgrant15@bigpond.com Sent from my iPad
Esa R. replied:
Jacquelyn Porter use http://www.wetransfer.com/ - you can send a maximum of 2 gb through that
Richard G. replied:
Twenty Twenty, give me a ring on 0418884816, I live in Coffs Harbour
Twenty T. replied:
I would be VERY greatful Jacquelyn Porter. My email is 2020@exhostage.com
Cindy L. replied:
I ship for www.philosophy.org and if you order cd's I will talk to my boss (Michael Hudak) about us not charging postage.