Looking for a web designer to help redo bigtyme recordz web site.... inbox me
Anthony N. replied:
MrCap Live Michael King
Michael K. replied:
Patrick A. replied:
Yolanda Brown
Michael K. replied:
I stil need to get content on it but you can see the framework laid down. I'm chillin with Fathertime Thomas right now, he said whats up.
Michael K. replied:
I can also do social networking for yall if you like, I also hook it up with Google Analytics so you can have statistics on who's visiting your site and what they're looking at to further market and promote efficiently. Here's the link to the social networking site. http://thinktank.heavensup.com/
Michael K. replied:
Chadwick Weston is part of my team in Chicago, were both heavily involved with the music industry so great minds thinking alike toward a common goal for the good of the all is the bidness. Inbox me if you like what you see and we can meet if you like, peace.
Looking for a young, modern, hungry, innovative web designer. If you know someone PLEASE message me with the info! Xo
Wendi S. replied:
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Are you a graphic designer with experience in Infographics, Interactive web design, and logo work? Interested in science and space and cool shit? I need help on a...