Dr. Ben Miller in TLV, 03-6022922, http://drbenmiller.com/en/americandentist
Debbie B. replied:
David Cohen 0548085566 South African
Barak C. replied:
Definitely Dr Meyer, recommended by many including myself. https://facebook.com/MeyerClinic
Iris N. replied:
In raanana? Dr Benjamin savit
Elanit G. replied:
Dr Dina Naeh is amazing also in Ranana http://www.d.co.il/80004594/46230/
Shelley G. replied:
Ayelet in ramat aviv gimmel has been my dentist for the last 15 years ...she qualified at TAU, speaks perfect English, excellent work, great aesthetics, painless injections 03-6426994
Kind of a weird question, but does anyone have a good dentist they recommend in Tel-Aviv? Thanks :)
Giselle U. replied:
Dr Guy Friedman is amazing - 036092423 - on Weizman
Yoav D. replied:
Dr. Evra Leshem
Shani G. replied:
Dr. Yarom Torek is the best!
Tamara Z. replied:
I'm also with Dr. Kaplan.. He's great
Dana F. replied:
Dr. Ben Miller, in TLV, http://drbenmiller.com/en/americandentist
Barak C. replied:
Yes, Dr Meyer. Absolutely great! https://facebook.com/MeyerClinic
Alex S. replied:
Hey, 3-6960650, Dr. Philip Kaplan (DDS & DDM), he is very professional and kind, has many assistants who are welcoming, courteous and professional
Natalie R. replied:
Dr Ben Miller by far the best, even better than dentists in the states, his office goes by American standards and he is a really great dentist!! I was so impressed, highly recommend.
Lauren C. replied:
Dr. Lior Herteanu.
Orit B. replied:
http://www.dms.org.il/#!contact/c1 gzt
Valentina L. replied:
Dr Heial!! He's the best! Really Professional. Its actually the first time that I'm enjoying going to the dents it! let me know if you need he's number
Niki S. replied:
Dr Birshan Shlomi
Ornella S. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/146070593656Dr William MADAR - דר וויליאם מדר
Hey Stlv,
just like that cousin that no-one wants to deal with, my wisdom teeth have decided to show up in israel unannounced.
Despite being family, I need to get...
Hagit K. replied:
Ayelet M. replied:
I second Dr Meyer and his team: https://facebook.com/MeyerClinic
Rebecca B. replied:
If you're with Clalit go to the smile clinic in migdal hamea (even gvirol 124), its reallyyy nice there (compared to other non-private clinics). Ask for Dr. Markoson he will make you laugh and even cheers you on! Most hilarious and painless dentist experience i had here:D
Luis T. replied:
This one really helped a friend of mine. Dr David Siarri - Implantologie- Parondontologie - Esthétique .Maskit 27 / 052 532 66 20
Ruthy L. replied:
He's not in Tel Aviv but Dr Yossi Shmerling is really the best I've tried in here. (And unfortunately i had to try many... lol) He has a boutique clinic with REALLY affordable prices. https://www.facebook.com/Doc.Shmerling/
Sarah M. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/1619844924923731 ד"ר מיכאל מאייר- מרפאת שיניים Dr Michael Meyer- Dental Clinic is the best
He's in Ramat Aviv off of Rehov Tagore, but Dr. Paulo deCapua is amazing and his dental assistants are the sweetest people. His prices are very reasonable. Their office number is 03-641-0656. Like · 1 · May 9
Teresa L. replied:
He's in Ramat Aviv off of Rehov Tagore, but Dr. Paulo deCapua is amazing and his dental assistants are the sweetest people. His prices are very reasonable. Their office number is 03-641-0656.
Nir S. replied:
I can offer u myself My clinic is in Holon 0526351400 or pm me For any questions what so ever
Michael K. replied:
(052) 830 5370-Itai. Most profesional and kind Dr. With alot of experience and good prices. Located in Rishon,very worth the effort. Call him
Gabriel L. replied:
03 6201213 in Shenkin Dr. Alejandro Ainstein he is excellent and not expensive at all
Dana F. replied:
Dr. Ben Miller in Tel Aviv 03-6022922 or http://drbenmiller.com/en/americandentist
Recommendations for a reputable, great dentist here in Tel Aviv that accepts private clients? (Please only comment if you have had personal experience with the them)
Lesley M. replied:
Dr. Kaplan on Zeitlin (#25 I think...) by kikar rabin. He's great as are all those who work with him on staff. Only dentist I go to in Tel Aviv.
Meredith E. replied:
I second Dr. Kaplan, he's really good
Aliza D. replied:
Dr Michael Meyer- he's great and speaks English ☺️ https://www.facebook.com/MeyerClinic/
Barak C. replied:
I second Dr Meyer, absolutely wonderful: https://www.facebook.com/MeyerClinic/
Ornella S. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/146070593656Dr William MADAR - דר וויליאם מדר
Dana F. replied:
Dr. Ben Miller in Tel Aviv, 03-6022922, http://drbenmiller.com/en/americandentist
Shifka S. replied:
Dr Ben miller has excellent dental care and private tho costly is worth it
Tom V. replied:
Dr Sagiv, Remez 14, 03-6969489 ... excellent, very modern, but expensive (although he was willing to be flexible with prices when i was a student). nevertheless, you can also go to any Clalit Smile clinic even if you are not Clalit or even if you are a tourist and they will often be willing to give you the same clalit discounts (my friend did this)
In need of a good dentist in Tel Aviv, specifically for help with wisdom teeth, ASAP.
Plus: American vibes.
Minus: Israeli hours.
Thank you people!
Joel A. replied:
http://www.nadlerh.co.il/ Go see Nadler
Yonnie T. replied:
Someone posted this on Secret tel aviv a while ago: Dr. Ariel Cohen at Sderot David Hamelech 1 . He's american
Yana L. replied:
Dr Miki fux 052-2932514 not an American but the best one for sure and he’s always available when I need him
Roxxy P. replied:
Avinoam Kugler
Avinoam K. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/1187831011317185 Social Dental Clinic Best place you can go, guaranteed. Cheap, caring and very professional.
Yael S. replied:
Ben Miller He is the best
Hannah K. replied:
Michael Meyer. Speaks perfect English, and is awesome. My roommate had her wisdom teeth removed through him and had a great experience
Sarah M. replied:
Max! Go to https://www.facebook.com/1619844924923731 ד"ר מיכאל מאייר- מרפאת שיניים Dr Michael Meyer- Dental Clinic did not feel any pain ever again and he has perfect English
Lee W. replied:
Ben Miller
Teddy F. replied:
Dr. Orit Kriefhttp://orit-krief.zapweb.co.il/אודות Not American but really high level service, reasonable and straightforward
Leah P. replied:
Yael Lerman
Sinéad M. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/437632459931869 ד״ר גלעד וסרמן - Dr. Gilad Wasserman 1000000%
Dr Yoav Orbach is a fluent English speaker. Office in Raanana which I figured is close enough to tlv to recommend. He also has an office in Jerusalem. Very knowledgeable, dedicated and reasonable on cost.
Neal E. replied:
Dr Udi Yohanan right by Kikar Rabin, great Dentist, had an office in NYC for over 20 years +972 54-835-4990