Does anyone remember a restaurant down by Wayne bowling alley call sambo.s
Chris M. replied:
Burger Chef and Jeff!
Melissa L. replied:
Golden Boy was by Mich. & Eliz..
Richard S. replied:
Burger Chef is the current L Georges right next to the old Brownies, Burger King is east of the Old Carpenter Dodge across the street from the current police station it has always been a Burger King built in 1968. Golden Boy started out at Wayne Roa...See More
William N. replied:
Wasn't Wayne Hobby Center at the east end of the building U.S. 12 is in, I would have to drive by to be sure but it may have been the east side of the bar.
Glenn T. replied:
yes it was next to the dry cleaners at Michigan and Second (Wayne Hobby Shop)
Mark K. replied:
I ate lunch at Joe's Hobby Shop every day, Joe was a good guy and he gave us a place to hang out. 63, 64 and 65
Ed M. replied:
Gary Wobbe bought the business from Joe. As a kid it was a plumbing shop.
Gary V. replied:
No Glenn Somebody else just ask me that same question were not related I dont know If you have heard of a George VanDecar Jerry VanDecar and a Linda VanDecar they all went to John Glenn but never graduated there my Cousins but not Ross.
Gary V. replied:
Karen Provey Who went to Wayne High is half VanDecar she might be related to him I have Miller Cousins who went to Wayne Susan class of 1974 Cindy class of 1975 and Twins Judy and Joyce class of 1985 but that's the only Cousins I had at Wayne.
Just happened to stop at Olga's Restaurant in Westville on our way home from our granddaughters cross country race at South Central. Our first time there. The pizza was...