Hello All... Can someone please help with some info. What is the best Creche / Day Care for a 3mnth baby in Centurion and what is the cost? Thank you kindly.
Rayanne H. replied:
Yolandi N. replied:
Definitely Kiddi Care Academy or https://www.facebook.com/1744894139114557Kiddi Care Academy Valhalla. Chat to Salome Joubert Saunders or Marcelle Smidt
Nandie P. replied:
Rochelle Pretorius
Carike N. replied:
Each person looks for something different in a daycare. We went for small and personal. If thats what you are looking for, please go have a look at www.lalaloopsie.co.za. Angelique Rautenbach is the best thing that could have happened to our little girl for the past 3 years now.
Corlia R. replied:
Dale D. replied:
I would suggest a daymother - there are not enough babies to catch too many diseases and there are just enough to have good social interaction. Both of my babies are at a daymother in wierda park who treats them like her own. She has an open day coming up - go check her out. Nicolene Visagie Muller
Belinda S. replied:
Miracle Kids in Raslouw. Small and individual attention. Been around one of the best.
Mareli V. replied:
Babbel En Krabbel Kleuterskool
Arusha S. replied:
My son has been there since 4 months and he is very happy. Great owner of the school as well. Priya Sivjattan. https://www.facebook.com/1655389684789822 Voetstappies Kleuterskool/Nursery School
Juanita M. replied:
Carien S. replied:
Salome Joubert Saunders
Karin F. replied:
Jene Heunes
Juanita M. replied:
Kidsbest in Wierda Park offers full day pre-school until Gr R with meals and free weekly swimming lessons at R2300 pm. Come see for yourself. Visit our website or FB page www.kidsbest.co.za
Marisa R. replied:
Chantel M. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/1744894139114557Kiddi Care Academy Valhalla Kiddi Care Academy Valhalla R2000 a month Great school with lovely staff and teachers. Marcelle Smidt
We live in Rooihuiskraal.
My daughter will start creche in Jan, and then we need to find a good dual medium or English primary school for her to register for.
Michelle B. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/136376349899602 Jacaranda College & Pre-Primary without a doubt!! Excellent, excellent school!
Juanita M. replied:
Yolandi N. replied:
Definitely Kiddi Care Academy in Raslouw or Valhalla. They are bilingual up to grade R and starting Primary school Grade 1 in 2018 as well.
I'm looking for a doggy day care in Centurion or Pretoria. Any recommendations? Thank you.
Genevieve S. replied:
If you.need a.pet sitter overnight contact Andre. Very reliable.and kind to pets he looks after 0829723056 wouldnt leave my Jasper.with.anyone else
Trudene O. replied:
Woodrock Pet Hotel is amazing and you're supporting an animal shelter too. They're on Facebook and you can book online on their website. You won't be sorry
Hi all I'm a 19 year old student who is looking to go overseas next year after matric to Au-Pair and I was wondering if anyone is looking for a babysitter in the Reeds,...