Best place to get business cards made? Wasaga beach lol..
James B. replied:
James at The Creative Group705-999-1279
Melissa B. replied:
Linda S. replied:
Definitely Vista Print!!
Jessie A. replied:
Definitely James T Burns all the way.
Stephanie C. replied:
Crystal Clear Designs
Donna J. replied: Andrew's Copy & Print Centre
Chrissy C. replied:
McNulty Printing collingwood
Holly M. replied:
McNulty Printing
Andrea C. replied:
Ouch so sad to see so many people not shopping local. Vista Print is horrible.
Kevin K. replied:
Vista Print. You can design your own card and they will mail them to you in a couple day. They are also really in expensive.
Andrea C. replied:
Yes however Vista Print will print your with 20 others on the same sheet. If they look OK then they roll. I still say shop local. You want local individuals to shop at whatever business your doing the cards for why wouldn't you do the same.
Looking for recommendations for local graphic designer and printers? Any suggestions would be helpful, tia
Joy S. replied:
I believe it's Tango Graphics on Mosley St. next to Career Solutions. I've heard good things about them.
Andrea C. replied:
McNulty Printing
Leah W. replied:
Tango Graphics!
Deb C. replied:
Yep McNulty Printing
Selena B. replied:
We can help you 2 graphic designers Georgian Life Media Inc. we do the design and get 3 printing quotes for you
Does anyone know or can recommend a graphic designer who could POSSIBLY do a logo/branding for my business keep in mind I am in startup mode so being budget conscious...
Karen K. replied:
Hi Karen, not too sure on this business stuff and I hope the link works. This is my cousin who lives/works in Ontario if this is what you need!!