Can anyone recommend a good primary care physician or chiropractor in Wenatchee, specifically for back pain?
Anne H. replied:
Decamp Toftness Chiropractic is amazing!
Teri M. replied:
Confluence Health has a spine clinic now.
Allison H. replied:
I would recommend the Confluence Spine Clinic as well, especially if it's a new onset of back pain.
Chris P. replied:
Christie collier or Kim Toftness in wenatchee
Isaac H. replied:
Ovenell in East Wenatchee, or Dr. Winters in Leavenworth near the old video store.
Leah R. replied:
If you decide to go to someone in Leavenworth I would highly recommend Dr Jerome at CMC.
Chloe H. replied:
My husband just went through seeing Drs here for back pain and they all referred him to Mt Stuart physical therapy on Chumstick. It's not Wenatchee but they're pretty great.
Zach W. replied:
Dr Trent Price at memorial is a primary care physician and dr of osteopathy. Great spinal work I have been to the Chiropractor for an adjustment today and he sent me to the regular doctor. Getting some stronger anti inflammatory meds and muscle...