Does anyone have an elementary school recommendation for a school with a GT program ? As well as an OT or understanding of sensory issues? We are in Jeffco (Sorry for...
Carolina E. replied:
Westgate Community School in Thornton! I'm a teacher there and it might just be a great fit for you!
Ondrea M. replied:
Kyffin is a GT Center school as is Stevens. Kyffin and Stevens demographics are probably on opposite ends of the spectrum but both have stellar reputations for their GT programs. forgot - Hackberry Hill as well. all Jeffco schools have GT programs but may not be GT center schools. Prospect Valley has a good GT program where the kids have ALPs - but they aren't in classes with just other GT kids. I highly recommend visiting them to see which ones would be the best fit.
Carolina E. replied:
Le is our enrollment director. She does tons of prospective parent nights and tours. Her email is
Kym B. replied:
I'm another Stevens parent who will have a kid in GT this coming year. Here's the thing about GT: you need to test in, and you need to meet certain criteria. Just having a high IQ isn't necessarily enough to get in. You might also ask around for schools that offer ILPs (Individualized Learning Plans), if you think that the combination of his high IQ and Sensory Issues are what is causing him to have problems in a "traditional" classroom setting. That said, I cannot say enough good things about Stevens! The Denver Post blurb doesn't tell the entire story. We are a Title 1 school, which means that 80% (I think) of our kids are below the poverty level. The good thing about that is that the government literally throws money at schools like ours. We have PE. We have Art. We have Music. The kids each get their own iPad!?! The drawback is that, because we have kids from varying backgrounds and varying parental support and opportunity, we may tend to score lower on some standardized tests. Don't be scared of those numbers, though. Come check it out!
Ondrea M. replied:
I would call the Jeffco GT Center again 303-982-6650 and ask to talk with either Blanche Kapushion or Shannon Rood-Wright. they may not be readily available this week as they're focused on the camp. but I find I get better response from calling vs. email. and agree with Kym - you have to test in. they do standard testing in 2 nd grade (not sure what grade your sonis in). But you can fill out the application to request early testing. (my son was testing in K). CogAT testing is October 10 th. so you'll want to fill out the paperwork as it's kind of a pain. You can also send them your private testing info and they may consider it. good luck
Ondrea M. replied:
here is the info about testing:
Ondrea M. replied:
you could also talk with Blanche Kapushin (sp?) - she's the GT Director for Jeffco - she's not very available this week or next as they're running Jeffco Sparks (GT summer camp)
Amy M. replied:
I am going to guess special ed folks will not be back until August as well to deal with IEP, OT issues? You can always contact the school principals some of them are working but they will probably say that you have to wait until August for an IEP evaluation. I have a child that has SPD but is not gifted. It is extremely difficult to get OT services through school for SPD unless it is impacting learning in the classroom. We spent many years in private OT for SPD. I did get some accommodations for my daughter on her IEP for speech. I am not familiar with what kind of OT is offered to GT students though. Even if the school could offer us OT, there is no way it would have matched what my daughter received via private OT.
Amy M. replied:
http://sp4 Sensory Pathways for kids is the private OT group that we used, my daughters OT was a retired Jeffco OT. They can go schools to help advocate for the kid during IEP meetings.
Carmen N. replied:
Stevens has seen an improvement in scores and is no longer in turnaround status. I have two kids, both 2E, there. The support staff are nothing short of amazing. The school social worker coordinates SpEd services. I have worked with her on the process of coordinating IEPs with ALPs for my kids for a few years now. She knows her stuff, is very organized, and really likes kids. The OTs have been really good as well.
Kate R. replied:
Carolina Eichinger Id welcome any and all info. his Sensory issues are mild but enough to cause issues in the class room. He could be considered 2E for sure, but on the "lower" end.
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