Have any recommendations for a good place to get an iphone battery replaced in Wichita?
Sprint F. replied:
Let us help you replace your phone. Take a look at the phones we have available. https://www.sprint.com/shop/?ECID=SM:TW:E:SprintForward:iphone:102215/device/list/PHONE?filterString=Manufacturer/apple&kf_tnl=AUYX7L3BP5WKGHF1J46TVEQCN ^CR
I cracked my screen on my iPhone 7 plus. Any suggestions on where to get it replaced?
Sprint F. replied:
Ouch! We can help you replace it. Take a look at these deals: https://ping.kickfactory.com/r?u=https://www.sprint.com/shop/%3FfilterString%3DManufacturer%252Fapple%23!/device/list/PHONE%26ECID%3DSM:TW:E:SprintForward:iPhonewall:12202016&kf_tnl=D4KZWH8EBNG756LJFUQRXCY3P ^JL