Anonymous post no. 11107
Hey all I'm hoping for some dentist recommendations
I'm petrified of the dentist so it's been a long time (10 years) since I've been and my teeth are in a bad way but I'm biting the bullet and conquering my biggest fear and going .
So I'm looking for a dentist who is caring , gentle and understanding of my fear preferably on the northern end but willing to travel if someone is particularly good , price isn't an issue I just need someone kind and understanding that isn't going to judge me for letting my teeth get to this point and someone who will understand if I likely arrive in tears when I say I'm scared I mean terrified I had a traumatic experience when I was young with a dentist even thinking about going I feel sick to the stomach .
So if anyone has any suggestions for someone whose been good to them in a similar situation that would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance