Looking for a tattoo artist who is expert at lettering. I have a small two word tattoo I want to get, something written down by my mother that is very important to me. I want to be 100% sure that it will be copied as accurately as possible because the original cursive is so lovely and also just because it's permanent and I want it to be the best it can be. Can anyone give me a good reccomendation? I am in the Lawrenceville area but do not mind taking a trek out to get the best possible result. I have looked at many Pittsburgh tattoo artists and I'm sure they all are capable but the portfolios always seem to only consist of the bigger pieces, and very rarely plain text.
GearHeadChemist replied:
[Rogue](http://www.roguetattoo412.com/) in Lawrenceville have a good rate and are good at what they do.