Please, where can i get the big blue painter tape?
Rob T. replied:
For PLA I have had excellent success with a Polish brand called Blue Dolphin bought from a high street hardware store in the UK. mm-x-50 m-/182033717399?hash=item2 a620 e1897:g:uXwAAOSwG-1WzJx7
Wayne H. replied:
Leo N. replied:
Obi has it :,c.html
Where can I get some good glass for my hotbed. I mistakenly took the tape off when k built it. I'm going to try painters tape when I get home but I've heard glass works...
So I printed this last night and am pretty upset. I slowed the print down to 45 and travel at 60. Infill at 50%. Woke up this morning after a 12+ hour print to find...
John D. replied:
For the warping, read the following. It helped me:
Has anyone tried the kapton tape and is there a difference between it and normal painters tape.
Craig G. replied:
I just bought PET tape and have the first print going now and so far so good. The problem with painters tape is you can't get a good surface. I've been using just glass and it sticks most of the time but not always and the PET is supposed to stick very well and let go when it cools off just like glass
Now that my Anet A8 is all assembled and almost ready I can't wait for my first print. Getting blue painter's tape for the hot bed. I noticed they sent me a spool of ABS...
Who prints PETG on a glass bed? I've been having issues with it bonding to blue painter's tape at any temp. Is it worth the $30.00 for a borosilicate plate?
Mike R. replied:
Regular cheap Lowes or Home Depot glass works great! I bought a thermal pad and cut one inch squares and layed them out like the dice number 5 dots. Perfect and dont have to worry about the warpage of the plate affecting the glass.
Olev P. replied:
PETG sticks TOO well to borosilicate, it has pulled chips out of mine when cooling down. Printing PETG now on normal 3 mm window glass, sticks well and has not broken yet.
Hi, guys! It's very hard to find blue painter's tape here. Is this the same quality? Is there any standard code to refer the stickiness level of the tape?
Anyone printing on Duct tape? we don't get the blue painters tape in SA, or at least i can't find it, this was blue and looked like it could work, seems to be ok so far...
Having a heated bed and printing PLA, I can highly recommend saving the money for painters tape, hairspray or glue sticks.
I simply roughed up the surface of the Glas...
Hi all. Amz3d pla, blue painters tape on bed. 60/210 temp. So far other prints have been good and stick pretty well. This particular stl for back-y-axis support just...
New to the group, have an anet a8 been experiencing warping on large prints coming up on the corners. My best result has been abs on the bare bed and using an abs...
Stupid Question: Is there any difference between blue and yellow painters tape? My anet came with regular yellow tape which I had to replace after a few prints. Now I am...
I was wondering if anyone else has trouble with the A8 heat bed heating to over 99 degrees? Mine will only go to 97-99 degrees, even though I set it to 110 degrees. I...
So I got my Anet A8 and I realized that I am not getting that great of prints. I contacted a friend (who also has an Anet A8 and has had it for a while) about this and...
Ok so I have had zero issues with adhesions say for one time do to a wax coated painters tape so I hadn't bothered with glass. Well time passed and projects came up that...